The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Hope and Responsibility in a Changing Europe

An online event hosted by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Thursday January 19th 2023, 3pm-5pm (UK/Ire time)

Invited speakers: Reverend Jane Stranz and Anthea Sully

“Hope may be a theological virtue, but we want to propose it is less a theory and more a visceral daily practice of life, renewal, and survival. This work of hope is also often overlooked and undervalued in our societies. How can women and men embody and live out hope in today's fractured yet still beautiful world? Faced in society and in our churches with ongoing crises - of governance and democracy, of ecological violence, sexual abuse, war, and the systemic exclusion of women from decision-making - developing a hope-filled practical and pastoral theology of responsibility becomes ever more urgent."

We hope you will be able to join us. Following the presentation there shall be both breakout discussions and a plenary Q&A.

For more information and to register, click here: 

Zoom links to join will be sent a week prior to the event.

 If registration is difficult, you may inform Rebecca Bellamy directly: