Financial support sent to Haiti

First financial support from the Methodist Church in Ireland has reached the Methodist Church Haiti. This is to support the relief efforts following the devastating earthquake in August.

£18,803 was sent, made up of the following contributions:

  • World Mission Partnership: £5,000 specifically for church related needs after the earthquake such as rebuilding/repairing of damaged church buildings.

  • World Development & Relief: £5,000 for general relief work ie. food, water, healthcare.

  • Methodist Women in Ireland: £8,803 for general relief work ie. food, water, healthcare.

So far, Irish Methodists have donated a further £13,000 through online giving and local church collections. This sum will be sent in the coming weeks, once all donations have been received.
This second amount will be used to meet emergency needs in communities e.g. water, food, clothing, shelter, medical care.

If you would like to donate to support relief work in Haiti, click on the button below.


September news from World Methodist Council


Prayer of Solidarity: Afghanistan