Exploring Mission together
Heather Morris (MCI Secretary of Conference) meets with Üllas Tankler (UMC General Board of Global Ministries)
Dr. Üllas Tankler works for the United Methodist Church (UMC), as part of their General Board of Global Ministries. In April, he visited UMC Mission Partners and Global Mission Fellows serving in Ireland. He also visited Edgehill House and met with several teams from the Methodist Church in Ireland (MCI), including Home Mission, Ministries, and the Youth and Children’s team.
During his visit to Edgehill, Üllas spent time with World Mission Partnership to discuss ways that we might be able to work together to support mission. MCI has been blessed to receive mission partners from UMC, and it was good to talk about how we might also be able to collaborate to send Irish Methodists to bless other churches around the world.