District Link Zoom meeting

Each of the Methodist Church in Ireland’s three Districts are linked with a world church partner. You can read more about these links here.

Earlier this week, a Zoom meeting took place between the District Advisory Committee of MCI’s Southern District and with the Methodist Church Togo Executive including the President Rev. Godson Dogbeda Lawson Kpavuvu (pictured second row, left).
MCI’s president Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu, President Designate Rev. David Nixon and World Mission Officer Mr. Tim Dunwoody also attended.

This was an initial conversation to see how each District/Church can share with the other so that both churches can grow and bless those around them.

Mde. Mensah said "We need to share our good practice" whilst Rev Godson Dogbeda Lawson Kpavuvu encouraged everyone to "journey together and share our hope".


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