Called to serve in Ibiza

Gemma Barclay is the Methodist Church in Ireland’s new Mission Associate, through World Mission Partnership.

Gemma will be working with 24-7 Prayer on Ibiza, alongside Stephen McCann.

World Mission Partnership asks all of our supporters to keep Gemma in their prayers, and if they’re able, to consider giving her some financial support. Gemma is responsible for raising her own salary and expenses: WMP will be making a contribution toward these costs, but donations from individual supporters are still needed for Gemma to carry out her ministry.

There will be a commissioning service for Gemma on Saturday 11th March, in Mount Zion Free Methodist church (96 Gregg Street, Lisburn). The service starts at 6pm, and will be followed by food and fundraising activities.
Please let Gemma know if you are planning to attend.


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