An update from Mission Associate, Stephen McCann

After spending seven years working with 24-7 Ibiza, Stephen McCann plans to return to Ireland in early 2024.

Stephen writes:

I have such a love for the community in Ibiza and for the ministry we do here, but I know in myself that it is time for a change – for me and for 24-7 Ibiza.

I plan to finish up in December/January time, then move back to Belfast to complete my master’s dissertation and take a few months of sabbatical time to debrief and figure out where God is leading me next.  

Please pray for those who will continue the ministry (Gemma in San Antonio, Danny & Lydie in Ibiza Town), and for those who will join them in the future. There are so many opportunities here for prayer and service, and I’m excited to see how God will continue to use this community.”


Melissa Newell: Newsletter, October 2023


Praying for the Donbas Region