For Such a Time as This
Rev Paul Maxwell
As I come to the end of my first year as Convener of World Development & Relief (WDR), I am reminded of a quote I came across from the former US President, Theodore Roosevelt: “When you are asked if you can do a job, tell ‘em, ‘Certainly I can!’ Then get busy and find out how to do it.”
When Rev. David Nixon asked me to follow him as Convener, I was honoured and delighted to be thought of for this role, but I really did not have a clue what it entailed. Over the last twelve months, I have been very busy learning and I know there is still lots to learn.
Over the last twelve months I have been getting a better handle on the work of WDR as well as getting to know our partners and build relationships with them. It was wonderful being able to meet all our partners earlier this year. This was via zoom rather than in person, but it was a wonderful opportunity to hear first-hand the incredible work that our partners are doing and how highly they hold WDR and the Methodist Church in Ireland. I ended all these conversations excited by the work being carried out and honoured to be part of an incredible body like WDR.
Due to the fantastic support and generosity of Irish Methodists, WDR has been able to increase support to our partners. This year, as well as being able to increase our scheduled annual allocations for programme work, we were able to introduce capacity building grants. These grants are designed to help partner organisations strengthen themselves, becoming more sustainable and effective. For example, some partners are using their grant for training, key staff posts and system audits.
Partly as a consequence of our zoom conversations with partners, we have been able to facilitate some partner-to-partner work for the first time. One example of this is the collaboration between Methodist Development & Relief Services in Ghana and and Open Schools Worldwide which is based in South Africa. Together, they are now delivering Open Schools’ literacy and numeracy programme to vulnerable children in Ghana. Father Andeweg Institute for the Deaf (FAID) in Lebanon and East Jerusalem YMCA in Palestine, are now in conversation around vocational training. EJ-YMCA has a long-established training and work placement programme which FAID believes it can learn from as they attempt to prepare their older students for long-term employment.
East Jerusalem YMCA enables young people with disabilities to find a suitable vocation
It is a privilege, as Convener of WDR, to hear first-hand the stories from our partners and see the importance of walking in solidarity with them and how appreciative they are of our part played. Walking in solidarity will be something that Graham Philpott from Church Land Programme (South Africa) will draw out from scripture as he contributes to WDR’s 2022/23 service material. Our theme for 2022/23, to be explored in both the new Annual Report and the service material, is “For Such a Time as This”; looking at the biblical Esther’s example of using her privilege for the protection and benefit of others. Our challenge is that we consider what we can do in these times when so many people are struggling.
The last 12 months have been a year of emergencies. We have responded to disasters in Haiti, Tonga and South Africa with financial assistance. We also had the Ukrainian Appeal which raised £313,000. Your generosity for these additional causes has been greatly appreciated. Your support during emergencies, over and above your regular giving for the ongoing work, is deeply humbling.
None of this work would be possible without your prayer, giving and generosity and from the very bottom of my heart and on behalf of the Methodist Church in Ireland, I want to thank you for trusting WDR and working with us as we seek to see every person’s God-given potential fulfilled. I am immensely proud of the fact that we have been able spend 97% of all donations this year in supporting work on the ground.
Closer to home, one exciting development within WDR has been the increase in staff hours. Tim Dunwoody (Team Leader) and Laura Kerr (Communications and Fundraising) are now both working predominately for WDR. I look forward to continuing to work with Tim, Laura and our wonderfully committed and active committee to see how we can continue to work in solidarity for justice, compassion and equality through our long-term indigenous partners rooted in their communities.
As I look back over the last twelve months, I am so thankful to God for the privilege of being a part of the incredible work of WDR and its partners. I look forward to the next twelve months to see what exciting things God will do. I hope you will continue to support our work and would encourage you to consider regular giving through a standing order. Together, we seek to live wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world.
Rev. Paul Maxwell
Convener of World Development & Relief