Transformation Prayer Gatherings

During this Connexion year, as we have been dwelling on ‘for the transformation of the world,’ the final part of our vision statement.  This call, as we hear it in the light of the Great Commission from Jesus, illuminates the responsibility presented to us; that as transformed people, changed by the love and grace of Christ – we must become transformers of the world around us, trusting that it is the power of Christ within us that does the work.

Across the Connexion ‘Transformation Prayer Gatherings’ have been taking place in our Districts, hosted in local churches, with people travelling to attend.  Knowing that God moves when we gather to pray, there has been a real sense of this!

The prayer gatherings so far, alongside the opportunity to gather in fellowship and praise together, have inspired a range of creative responses; prayer stations, worship, prayers sung, dancing, words spoken, sitting with God in the silence, spirit filled conversations, and anointing for more of Him.

The enormity of the task for the ‘transformation of the world’ may at times feel overwhelming and beyond our thinking.  These gatherings have helped to focus our hearts and minds to this task; starting with ourselves and our need for transformation, praying about our calling to go as individuals and as church, and with that acknowledging this is not our work but God’s through the anointing of His Spirit.

There are organised District Transformation Prayer Gatherings still to come and we encourage you to attend, or why not host your own in your church/circuit?

Wednesday 19th March, 6pm
Venue: Ardfallen, Cork

Date: 25th March, 7:45pm
Venue: Portrush Methodist Church

May we continue to be people who look for and commit to being part of a world which, in every part, reflects the character of God – in whatever part of it we find ourselves.

For further details on Transformation Prayer gathering and resources to help host your own, visit the Living Wholeheartedly page.


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