Statement on the murders of Aidan Moffitt and Michael Snee in Sligo

The Methodist Church in Ireland is horrified by the murders of Aidan Moffitt and Michael Snee in Sligo.

These brutal killings and the cold-hearted premeditation behind them are very disturbing. We are shocked that two men have lost their lives in this way. We express our sympathy to those closest to them. 

We are also very saddened by recent homophobic attacks, including that on a man in Dublin in recent days. People from across the community need to know that they can conduct their ordinary lives without fear of attack. The attacks this week have resulted in the worst of crimes, the taking of human life. However, this is also a reminder that many are attacked verbally or otherwise on a regular basis – narratives that induce fear and embolden others. 

We are praying at this time for those suffering loss and for all in the LGBT+ community who feel the impact of this the most. And we again express our commitment to exercise compassion to all in society, particularly those who may feel most marginalised and vulnerable.



Issued by:
Rev. Steven Foster
Convenor of the Southern Executive of the Methodist Church in Ireland's Council on Social Responsibility


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