President reflects on attending Church of Ireland’s General Synod
The following is a reflection from the President of his attendance along with the Lay Leader to the Church of Ireland’s General Synod:
Tom and I joined others attending the Annual General Synod held this year in Wexford City, in the sunny South East of Ireland. The Synod has a membership of over 600 although following a decision at a previous Synod, this is going to be reduced gradually over a number of years.
The Synod began on 11th May with the opening Service being held in St. Iberius in the heart of the City. It was a service Holy Communion where the Rt. Rev. Adrian Wilkinson was the preacher (I was honoured to attend his Episcopal Ordination as Bishop of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory on 30th October).
The Synod business began with the Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Rev. John McDowell presenting his Presidential Address. The debates followed on after this.
While the debating and discussion were formal, the atmosphere was relaxed and good humoured.
The members of the Synod were reminded that the 21st Anniversary of the Covenant between the Church of Ireland and the Methodist Church in Ireland, is soon to be celebrated.
This was contained in the Report of the Covenant Council proposed by Canon Dr. Maurice Elliott in which he reported that the Covenant continued to celebrate a shared understanding in many aspects of faith, worship, heritage, ministry and governance. A Bill was brought to Synod which will leave it easier for us to administer Holy Communion in Church of Ireland churches. In responding to this Report, I expressed my appreciation for the work the council is doing and said: “there were many aspects of mission which could be enhanced as we work together as brothers and sisters.”
Among the other subjects discussed were:
Seeking ways of enabling the church to deal with the trauma of the Troubles
A powerful message opposing racism and anti-migrant sentiment and actions
The length of tenure of clergy
While this was my first time attending General Synod I soon sensed certain elements mirrored in our own Conference - Friends meeting up, new friends made. I even met a member who I had not seen since she attended our wedding 33 years ago!
Like the other ecumenical guests, Tom and I had a “minder”, Carolyn Good who not only ensured we had our tea, coffee and lunch; but who sat beside us during the sessions and explained what was happening. This is something we could learn from when it comes to looking after our guests at Conference.
Another thing was that those taking part in the debates always gave their names and diocese.
Tom and I are greatful for being invited to attend this General Synod on behalf of our Conference.
Rev. David Nixon
President of the Methodist Church in Ireland
(L-R – The Rev. David Nixon, Ms. Carolyn Good, Mr. Tom Wilson).
(L-R – The Very Rev. Shane Forster (Dean of Armagh), The Rev. David Nixon, The Ven. Leslie Stevenson (Arcdeacon of Meath), Mr. Tom Wilson, The Rev. David White (Rector of Rathgar, Dublin), The Very Rev. Lynda Pellow (Provost of Galway).