President Designate visiting the Methodist Church in Cuba

On Friday 21st March, President Designate, the Rev Alan Wardlow, begins his journey to visit the Methodist Church in Cuba.

Alongside Sandra Lopez (Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean, Methodist Church Britain), Alan will be exploring ways for our churches to work together. 

 Despite decades of government opposition, the Methodist Church in Cuba has been growing rapidly. Making this not only a great opportunity for us to learn about church in a different culture, but also to learn about their growth and how small groups have played a vital role in helping the church to thrive.  

Alan will be travelling between 21st March and 2nd April and would value your prayers as he travels and meets with Cuban Methodists. 

Please pray:  

  • For safe travel for Alan and Sandra 

  • That the visit won't be impacted by power-cuts or adverse weather 

  • For a clear sense of God's presence and reassurance 

  • For building good relationships with our brothers and sisters in Cuba 

  • That Alan's presence would be an encouragement to the church and reinforce our shared identity as a world church family 


Transformation Prayer Gatherings