Congratulations to new PCI Moderator

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) has selected Rev John Kirkpatrick, from Portrush Presbyterian Church, as its next Moderator.

Rev. John Kirkpatrick

The Rev Dr Sahr Yambasu, President of the Methodist Church in Ireland on hearing the designation of the the 2022-23 Moderator has said:

“I would like to offer my congratulations to the Rev John Kirkpatrick on his designation as Moderator of the General Asembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, and ask God’s blessing upon him as he prepares for his year in Office.”

Moderator-Designate Rev Kirkpatrick will be installed as Moderator at the start of PCI’s General Assembly in June.

He will be the 177th Moderator since 1840 and the first from Portrush Presbyterian Church.




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