The Methodist Church in Ireland’s Ethical Approach to Investing
The Methodist Church in Ireland (MCI) is committed to being a people who live ‘wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world’.
This common commitment provides the context and the direction for the work of the Statutory Trustees who have responsibility under the Conference and the Governance Board for the stewardship of investments which have been entrusted to the Church.
The Trustees are charged with ensuring that the way in which money is invested works effectively towards ‘the transformation of the world’. In practice that means that money is invested ethically, avoiding any industry or company which harms individual wellbeing or the created world and supporting those who work positively for the common good.
Read the document in full below outlining the importance of ethical investing, and MCI’s investments through Epworth Investment Management Ltd.
Ethical Approach to Investing
By the Methodist Church in Ireland