The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Statement on the aggression outside Leinster House

The Methodist Church in Ireland is shocked by the scenes outside Leinster House on Wednesday 20th September at the beginning of the new Dail term. The imagery and rhetoric on display were offensive and unacceptable. The incitement to violence against elected representatives and use of aggressive language is utterly wrong. All who serve in the Dáil and Seanad must never be subject to intimidation or threat. This includes the type of hatred expressed online before and after a protest event.

We strongly believe in the right to protest - and have walked on the streets to protest earlier this year. However, all protest must not only be peaceful but also have at its core the dignity, freedom and rights of people, particularly those most vulnerable. Such rights also include the freedom of all citizens to go about their ordinary business, not least those who are in leadership in our society. What happened in Dublin was aggression rather than protest.

This is a time to let all politicians know that they have our support in getting on with their responsibilities regardless of whether we hold to their particular political outlook. We affirm our desire for an open and engaged democracy. Each of us must use our influence for good in combating hateful speech online and in our own personal interactions.