MWI Fellowship Weekend
The Methodist Women in Ireland recently held their Fellowship Weekend at the Drumalis Centre in Larne.
Leah, Olive and Sue share their reflections on the weekend:
“A great buzz as I opened the door of the conference centre, lots of chatter as friendships were being renewed from previous MWI weekends. Those for whom this was a first were soon made welcome, especially when we gathered for our first meal. It was a delight to meet representatives from all 3 MCI districts. “Faith over Fear” - Olive Rowe’s Presidential theme was to be further explored. Rev Maureen Hassard, our guest speaker, encouraged us to think about our fears be they physical. emotional or spiritual, and give them over to God. She shared the idea of Faith as an acronym for “Forward All Issues To Him” reminding us that living by faith takes courage but with God promising that He will not let us go we would have the power to move ahead in our adventure with Him.
Leah, Enniskillen Methodist.
Read Leah’s full report here.
“My sincere thanks to Sue and Leah for reporting their experiences at our MWI weekend. They are faithful friends. How would you sum up your friends? Faithful Supporters Encouraging, when you need them.”
Read Olive’s full report here.
”It was lovely to meet up with old friends and to meet and make new friends too. The theme ‘faith over fear’ resonated with us all.
We enjoyed an inspiring time together led by Rev Maureen Hassard with teaching, singing and sharing. MCI President, Rev David Turtle joined us for a time on the Saturday, when he spoke and answered questions.”
Sue, Dundrum.
Read Sue’s full report here.