Family Connections in Letterbreen
At the service of Installation last Friday night, (6th Sept), in Letterbreen, where Alison Humphreys was installed as Vice President of the North Western District it was discovered that Alison (incoming Vice President), Maeve Wilson (outgoing Vice President) and Olive Rowe (past All Ireland President) all had their mother-in-law who worshipped in Letterbreen Methodist Church.
Mrs Dorothy Humphreys, (Alison’s Mum-in-law), was a life- long member of MWI and never missed a meeting where she was always in the midst of the ladies making and serving supper. Dorothy was married to William Humphreys who were wonderful Christian people who showed practical Christianity to everyone they met.
Mrs Edith Rowe, (Olive’s mum-in-law) was a primary school teacher in Rossharbour Primary School, where she met her husband, Richard, and whilst living in Drumcalgy, worshipped in Letterbreen. She was also an organist in Tullycherry Methodist church, a Sunday School teacher and was a lifelong Christian. Mrs Rowe was also a member of Methodist Women.
Maeve Wilson’s mum-in-law was Edith Carson from Corryglass Letterbreen who walked on a Sunday to Sunday School and church in Letterbreen Methodist with her six siblings. She worshipped there for 25 years until she married, moving to Churchhill where she attended church and loved being part of Women’s Ministry there.
Mrs Wilson was recently promoted to Glory and Olive had the privilege of being able to visit her on behalf of MWI not long before her death which meant so much to her.
What an amazing story to round off the evening in Letterbreen! Blessings to Alison as she leads the MWI in the North Western District
“To Know Christ and To Make Him Known”