Letter for April 2023 from MWI All Ireland President Olive Rowe.
Greetings to all my friends in MWI.
Olive and the late Mrs. Jean Lambert.
I have had the pleasure of visiting MWI ladies who are unable to be out and about. In January I spent a lovely afternoon with a beautiful lady, called Mrs Jean Lambert. We recalled happy times in MWI and I was able to thank her for all she had contributed to this great movement.
We read the Bible, prayed together and as I said ‘goodbye’ to her, I came away feeling Blessed having been in her presence. The aroma of Jesus was so real. Sadly, a few weeks later I received a phone call to say that Jean had passed away. I was stunned as that day she was so alive. Our thoughts and prayers are with Alison, Jonathan and Sharon. Jean has left us an example of deep Faith in her Lord. She was an amazing lady and I am so grateful and thankful to have been given the privilege of spending such valuable time with Jean.
"As you read this you will know ladies who have been faithful to MWI and who are no longer with us. We thank God for them".
In some of my last letters I had given some reports from branches which was very honest and encouraging.
Sharon Porter from Bide-A-While Tea Room made scones whilst relating the importance of prayer during her life.
A Family Quiz [with supper] was attended by more than 80 folk, raising over £600 for Methodist Missions.
Heather Mercer spoke on the work of Every Home Crusade which uses 6 tonnes of paper daily to produce Christian literature in 95 languages which is sent to 170 countries.
Keith Lindsay spoke on the work of Acre Gospel Mission whilst demonstrating floral arrangements.
Ideas for the future of MWI
Initiative to interest and bring younger ladies into MWI eg. an evening event with a keynote speaker or group (eg Military Wives Choir) specifically for younger ladies.
Morning or afternoon events for retired ladies who prefer not to drive after dark eg coffee/lunch with a keynote speaker, visiting a garden or historical building with a Christian speaker/guide.
They could report back to their MWI group in the hope it would interest more ladies to attend future events.
We appreciate all the effort and hard work the District MWI office-bearers have put into the production of Zoom District meetings. They have been excellent. Thank you.
This year we have taken a theme for our branch and it is blessings. We have started a blessing jar which we add to each month and will open at the end of our year. It has made us think how God has given us so much and made us appreciate what we have. We are also aware of so many who haven't heat or food etc. Each month we have a different topic around blessings and have been singing choruses/hymns of thankfulness. In January we are having a hymn night and several ladies are participating in sharing why the hymn is a favourite. It is good to get people involved. So often ladies come and never say much. Now we are back to a cup of tea after the meeting we have had good fellowship and a chance to talk to our speakers.
Linda Irwin
We run a ladies group in Cranagill Methodist and 3 of us attended the installation of Maeve Wilson back a few weeks ago. Here is a list of our agenda for 2020/2023
We got baby photos from 12 of our ladies and everyone had to go round the room and guess who each baby was.
We had Valerie Newell from the Cause Carers give us a talk on what the Bible says about mental health and what role the church has in it.
We always have a craft night in November and make gifts and cards for a local nursing home.
In December we had Caroline Condy with us and she done a cookery demo and a talk and sold her cookery books and we had a Christmas party night.
Frances Barrett is a community first responder worker and she will come along to give us hints on first aid in our February meeting.
We also have a movie night coming up with popcorn and sweets!
Mrs Melaine Topley is coming to give her testimony and sing in our May meeting.
In June we plan to have a pot luck supper night again as it went so well last June.
That’s what we are getting up to in Cranagill if this is any use to you and we try to make our meetings suitable for all ages as our youngest are around 30 and we go right up to 84 !!
Heather Foster
We had a lovely few months at MWI was great to meet up again. We have about 12 members most nights we had flower arranging in November picture crafts in October. And in December we enjoyed a nice meal together in Derg Arms. Hopefully in New year we will have a speaker and we usually have a coffee evening in February open to other groups in our area followed by maybe a musician or a singer. Thank you for all your help over the year see you soon God bless.
As you read this report, Easter will be just around the corner, so may I on behalf of MWI wish you all a meaningful and Blessed Easter – let’s sing with gusto “Christ the Lord is Risen”.
Much love,