Becoming a Local Preacher
Do you sense that you are being called to preach?
The Methodist Church recognises that God calls lay people to lead worship and to preach the Gospel.
The role of Local Preacher has been formally recognised as an office within the Methodist Church since its earliest years. The call to preach is both a privilege and a responsibility. Thus, it is important for this call to be carefully discerned and affirmed in the life of the church.
There is a structured programme of initial training and support, and on-going learning and development opportunities for all local preachers.
More information
Explore your call
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8 (NIV)
If you feel that you may be called to be a Local Preacher in the Methodist Church, it may be helpful to reflect on the following extract from the Service for Admission of Local Preachers:
“Local Preachers are called to be worthy in character, to lead God’s people in prayer and praise, and to share in the Church’s mission in the whole world.”
(The Methodist Worship Book, pg. 332)
If, after prayerful thought, you want to explore your sense of calling, talk to your minister. If, together, you feel that this is a calling to be discerned further, your minister will talk to you about what happens next and guide you through the formal application process.
exploring local preaching- zoom seminar
Are you interested in finding out more about Local Preaching in the Methodist Church in Ireland?
This introductory session is for those who are discerning a calling to this important ministry. The session is also for ordained ministers, lay workers and accredited local preachers who will support those in training in their local context.
The evening will include an exploration of:
– Being called to be a Local Preacher
– The why and how of Local Preacher Training in MCI
– Training in the local context
The next online event will take place on Wednesday 14th May 2025 at 7:30pm
How to apply
In the application process, there are several steps to follow at local level involving the Superintendent Minister and the Circuit Executive. If the Circuit Executive recommends that you should be received as a ‘Local Preacher in Training,’ your Superintendent will contact the Connexional Local Preachers’ Co-ordinator.
You will then be asked to complete an online application form to be approved as a ‘Local Preacher in Training’. A sample of the form can be downloaded here. Once your application is approved you will be contacted by the Ministries Team about your Local Preacher training pathway and the Methodist Local Preachers’ Course.
Explore local preacher training
The Methodist Local Preachers’ Course gives you an opportunity to develop practical skills in the leading of worship alongside deepening your understanding of the Bible and Theology. The Course is a balance of self-study, online learning, guided tutorials, and includes practical assessment.
It is possible to begin training in the Autumn or in the Spring.
For Autumn entry, applications must be made no later than 27th September 2024
For Spring entry, applications must be made no later than 14th March 2025
Ongoing learning and development
All Local Preachers who have completed training and been formally accredited are required to engage in at least fifteen hours of further learning or training per year. Local Preachers are also required to share in the worship and fellowship life of the Church. The Ministries Team and District Local Preachers’ Coordinators organise opportunities for ongoing development and fellowship. Some Circuits also organise Circuit Preachers’ meetings.
The Learning and Development page gives details of seminars and courses which can be used to fulfil the further learning requirements for Local Preachers
Service of Celebration
and Reaffirmation of Local Preachers
3rd Sunday in September (or the closest date to this)
In 2024, the suggested date is Sunday 15th September.
Some helpful guidelines
MCI Policy for the nomination, appointment, readmittance, transfer and review of Local Preachers
MCI Expectations for applicants to become a Local Preacher in Training
MCI Expectations for those becoming Fully Accredited Local Preachers
MCI Circuit Executive questions for Applicants
MCI Circuit Executive questions for Accreditation

Questions about the processes relating to Local Preachers should be directed to the Connexional Local Preachers’ Co-ordinator, Laura Griffith
Questions regarding the Methodist Local Preachers’ Course should be directed to the Learning and Development Officer, Grace McGurk