Have you used the intercessor card?

Will you join with us and boldly pray for children and young people across this island?

Will you partner with us in the MCI Youth & Children’s Strategy by pleading in prayer for the lives of children and young people today?

Scroll down to find two new prayers that children and young people can use, and creative ideas for how you might continue to pray!

Read out loud

Allow time and space to read the prayer out loud knowing that there may be someone else across the island doing the same thing.

write your own prayer

After you read the prayer why not grab a pen and paper, notebook or journal and continue praying for the young people and children that you know by name.

use it in a prayer meeting

Methodist people have a high value for prayer. Why not use the prayer in your weekly prayer meeting each week.

One month target

Maybe you could set a target that you will use the prayer every day for one month. Who knows, you may not be able to stop.


Repeat the prayer 3 times a day. Set a timer on your phone or watch to help you remember.