Follow the Star


Follow the Star has been specifically designed for children under 9 years old from mainstream schools, special schools and from church organisations. Children are drawn into the heart of the story as the adults get to play the roles of a hassled Innkeeper’s wife, an excited Angel Gabriel, an expectant Mary, a humbled Joseph, a hapless shepherd, an awe-struck Wiseman and an irate Herod.

About Follow the Star


In 2004, our previous children’s ministry coordinator, Janette McCormick, asked God for a dream. Inspired by a trip to the annual Christmas Panto, she noticed how engaged children were as they were invited to be participants in the show. She wondered, could this be a way to expose children to the true meaning of Christmas?

After much prayer, preparation and hard work ‘Follow the Star’ (FtS) was born Christmas 2006. Over the years, IMYC has collaborated with many churches through FtS, leading to churches connecting with many schools and reaching thousands of children with the Christmas story.



Follow the Star brings the true meaning of Christmas alive in a way that allows children be a part of the story and feel the awe and wonder of that very first Christmas. Children rarely see the nativity story acted out by adults; it tends to be the other way around.

Follow the Star is unique as it allows the children to be participants in the audience, watching excitedly and interacting with real life characters as adults play their roles. It is our intention that each character captures the children’s attention by stirring the imagination of what life may have been like that first Christmas. The children rotate in their seats as the actors bring the story to life around them.  

“This was my second time going to Follow The Star and I thought it was amazing. I loved all the helpers who helped us to make crafts who told us the story.”


“For us as a church family, we see that Follow The Star is a great way to partner with local schools and share God’s heart for people through the Christmas story. We’ve run Follow The Star for nearly 10 years now and because of this ongoing partnership, we regularly get opportunities to speak in assemblies or invitations to special events in the local schools.” 

— Mark Hand, Youth Worker at High Street Methodist Church (Lurgan) 

“God made me a lover of Christmas and I loved the drama, especially the funny shepherd!”


Follow the Star is an amazing opportunity to bring the Christmas Story to life in your community!

more information

If you are interested in doing Follow the Star in your context, would like more information, or would like to see the Follow the Star pack, contact Heather at