About Us
What We Believe & Our Vision
We are passionate about seeing a generation rising up, taking ownership of their faith and their God-given potential to impact the world for Jesus in their everyday, in and through the intergenerational family called the Church.
It involves representing and advocating for young adults, youth and children's issues within the whole life of the Church and beyond. It means training and supporting ministers, youth and children’s workers and volunteer leaders, and supporting families as they pass on faith to the next generation. It involves giving children, young people and young adults the opportunity to encounter God, some for the first time, and develop their gifts and skills by participating in youth and children’s events and programmes throughout Ireland.
Meet the Team
Gillian Gilmore | Team Leader
Gillian’s responsibilities include:
Leadership and management of the staff team.
Ensuring the implementation of the Methodist Church in Ireland’s Youth and Children’s Strategy, in the context of the wider vision of the Methodist Church in Ireland.
Managing budgets and funding streams
Training and consultations
Advocacy and representation on Methodist committees and involvement with wider youth and children’s sector organisations
Dani Lorimer | Office Administrator
Dani’s responsibilities include:
General enquiries
Safeguarding Admin – RoI & NI
Bookings for events and training
Office management
Event support
Lisa Best | Young Adult and Events Coordinator
Lisa’s responsibilities include:
• The coordination of IMYC National events including Autumn Soul and Soul Mates.
• Volunteer Development – responsibility for volunteer policy, recruitment processes, selection, development, pastoral care and discipleship of the volunteers connected to each event and activity.
• Resourcing and supporting other Methodist Church in Ireland events.
Paula Lough | Youth and Children’s Ministry Development Worker (Northern Ireland and Co.Donegal)
Paula’s responsibilities include:
• IMYC point of contact for youth and children’s ministry in Northern Ireland and Co.Donegal.
• Accompanying, consulting, training, resourcing and supporting local churches and circuits, with the aim of giving confidence to local churches as they grow existing work or start something new.
• Identifying and building relationships of support with clergy, workers and volunteers to release capacity, build skills and assess training needs.
• Support and development for employed youth/family/children’s workers in the region.
• Identifying and connecting volunteers, young leaders and young people to connexional and regional gatherings, events and training opportunities.
Please do contact Paula – she would love to come and visit and chat about what God is up to in your context!
Joseph Ambrose | Youth and Children’s Ministry Development Worker (Republic of Ireland excluding Co. Donegal)
Joseph’s responsibilities include:
• IMYC point of contact for youth and children’s ministry in the Republic of Ireland excluding Co.Donegal.
• Accompanying, consulting, training, resourcing and supporting local churches and circuits, with the aim of giving confidence to local churches as they grow existing work or start something new.
• Identifying and building relationships of support with clergy, workers and volunteers to release capacity, build skills and assess training needs.
• Support and development for employed youth/family/children’s workers in the region.
• Identifying and connecting volunteers, young leaders and young people to connexional and regional gatherings, events and training opportunities.
Please do contact Joseph – he would love to come and visit and chat about what God is up to in your context!
Matthew McCrea | Youth Ministry Coordinator
Matthew’s responsibilities include:
• Responding to local needs in terms of resourcing and training for Youth ministry and developing leaders who are young.
• The development of, and signposting to, resources for every aspect of youth work and ministry, that can further equip the Church and support local circuits.
• Facilitating, or organising, training for youth leaders/workers, ministers, and church members.
• The training and development of young people for leadership in Church and community.
• In collaboration with the Events Coordinator, developing the spiritual content and activities of national events, specifically Autumn Soul and Overflow.
• Input into the circuit strategy development and implementation process around Youth ministry and facilitating the circuit strategy development and implementation process for specifics circuits, as identified by the Team Leader.
Heather Bailie | Children & Family Ministry Coordinator
Heather’s responsibilities include:
• Responding to local needs in terms of resourcing and training around Children and Family ministry.
• The development of, and signposting to, resources for every aspect of children’s and family work that can further equip the Church and support local circuits.
• Facilitating, or organising, training for children’s and family leaders/workers, ministers, and church members.
• In collaboration with the Events Coordinator, developing the spiritual content and activities of national events, specifically Soul Mates.
• Input into the circuit strategy development and implementation process around Children and Family ministry and facilitating the circuit strategy development and implementation process for specifics circuits, as identified by the Team Leader.

“Our aim is to make sure you feel valued, supported and resourced in all you do.”
Data Protection Statement
We are so blessed in the Methodist Church to have so many people willing to be involved in youth and children’s activities, whether that is through their own local church or IMYC events. To facilitate that, we have to gather information to communicate with you, to make events happen and to develop the work.
We take seriously the need to keep safe any data we hold on you as a volunteer or employed worker. You will see in this policy how we intend to do that! If you have any questions about what data we hold on you or what we do with it, please feel free to contact us and you will see how to do that in the policy.
To read more about our data protection policy, click the button above to download our Data Protection Handbook.