Heather heads to Stafford for the Children’s Ministry Network Conference!

Heather reflects on her time at the Children’s Ministry Network Conference in Stafford

I cannot say that 5:30am is my favourite time of the day yet, here I am, sitting in Belfast City Airport at 530am on a Wednesday morning.  I study the departures board and briefly contemplate  hopping on a flight to somewhere exotic; chuckling at the message I would have to send IMYC.  Alas, that will have to wait until another time!  For now, I was headed to Birmingham Airport, and onto Stafford for a Children’s Ministry Network (CMN) Conference.  

CMN is an official network of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI).  It exists to ‘bring together all those with national responsibility for work with children in denominations and Christian agencies who are in sympathy with the aims and objectives of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland’.

This was my second time attending a CMN conference, the first being held in Corrymeela in November 2023.  As a group, we spent some time sharing what each of our churches/organisations is doing, we chatted through helpful resources, and we enjoyed many conversations surrounded by beautiful paintwork indoors, or peacocks and goats outside!

One particularly exciting resource which CMN has developed in partnership with TheologyXis a new Children’s Ministry Essentials Course.  This is an 8-week course due to be launched in autumn 2024.  It covers topics like The World of the Child; Biblical Perspectives; The Role of Play & Faith; and more!  The course is designed so people can work through it self-paced on TheologyX, or in person/online through a facilitated delivery.  Keep an eye out on our socials for further information and how you can get signed up through the Methodist Church in Ireland!

It was a flying visit, albeit an enjoyable and beneficial time amongst people who are passionate about children. I look forward to the next time, even if it is a 5:30am start!

Heather Bailie – Children and Family Ministry Coordinator  heather.bailie@irishmethodist.org 



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