Donegal Summer Mission 2024
At the end of July, a team of young leaders led by IMYC staff went to Donegal Town to run a holiday bible club for children in the mornings and a youth drop in, in the evening, with the help from volunteers from the circuit and other churches in Donegal Town. Some of the young people share their thoughts and experiences about the week.
“I really enjoyed my experience in Donegal, especially the drop in we created for the youth in the area in the evening time. I particularly enjoyed the drop in because I bonded well with a lot of the teenagers there and saw some very encouraging interest in God, with many of the teens asking me about Autumn Soul and asking about going this year.
I also enjoyed the kids holiday bible club in the mornings, especially seeing all the kid’s enthusiasm doing the action songs and how much they all really enjoyed the few days. I helped during the week by organising songs, doing a talk on Zacchaeus and also organising memory verse and prayer activities. My favourite moment in the kid's club was when the girls in my small group became Christians and were asking many amazing questions about Jesus and out faith.
This week I learned to trust Gods voice and what he is urging me to do. I felt very nervous to go on this mission trip and almost did not want to do it, but I felt God urging me to spread his word not just in my hometown but in other places. I'm very glad I listened to this because there have been such amazing results from this week, and I am very proud to have been a part of it.”
“I have really enjoyed my time on the Donegal mission team this year! At the kids club I helped by leading games and crafts. We did loads of action songs and spent time every day with our small groups. At the youth drop in during the evening it was really relaxed. We basically just hung out with the youth. There were some board games which got quite competitive! I really liked having the chance to meet new people and spend time with them. Something I learnt about God this week is that he is constantly working in our lives. It was really encouraging to see some of the kids learn about Him and experience Him for the first time. I made lots of great memories while in Donegal. It was so fun, and I had an amazing week.”
“HI, I'm Timothy and I was a part of the Donegal mission team. Throughout the week I witnessed so many brilliant opportunities to watch God move in my own and other people's lives. I was a small group leader of a CRAZY, but incredibly lovable 6–7-year-olds group and we had such great craic. I also led games and was in charge of some very fun action songs. At the drop in I generally just floated around and chatted to people and honestly, they were all so welcoming and brilliant craic. I think through the week I really learnt that when it comes to God you just gotta let stuff flow, don't push it, just enjoy it and by having faith and hope in him and by loving him, anything is possible. Matthew 22 v 37”