2020: Unforced Stories
What if mission flows out of a deeper connection with Jesus? Hear stories of those living on mission with Jesus in the reality of their everyday.
2020: Unforced Resource
This follow up resource, for small group or personal use, focuses on how the disciples walked and worked with Jesus after responding to the call to follow him. Why not gather a few friends to explore these stories and passages together?
2019: Small Steps
What does it look like to carry the good news of Jesus into our communities? The Small Steps videos tell stories about church members who have taken small steps to get their feet wet. The accompanying booklet asks questions to help you reflect on the small steps Jesus might be calling you to take today.
Watch our latest webinar
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More Resources
Below are links to some great organisations that empower local churches and individuals for mission.
The Inspire Movement is an international network of people who are committed to developing missional discipleship in the leadership and life of the church.
Methodists across our island are involved in fellowship bands, house fellowships and learning communities, committing to a “Way of Life” that focuses on four ingredients: Seeking Growth; Using Disciplines; Sharing Fellowship; and Engaging Mission.
“Praxis is a collaborative and relational network of individuals, communities and churches driven by the desire to see God’s kingdom come as we reimagine mission for ordinary people”.
Methodist Home Mission Ireland partners with Praxis to facilitate learning communities and mission cohorts that provide learning, support, encouragement and directed learning around mission.
LICC is dedicated to helping people make a difference for Christ in their Monday to Sunday lives, as whole-life disciples who make a positive contribution to the places they live, work and play.
They offer resources for both personal and small group use, and facilitate training and learning hubs for church leaders.
LICC have facilitated training and consultancy for the Connexional and the local church. Many churches use resources produces by LICC in their small groups.