About us
Home mission
Every follower of Jesus stepping into the mission of God
Methodist Home Mission Ireland serves the Church to inspire and empower followers of Jesus to step into the mission of God. We partner with District Superintendents, Circuits and local congregations as they encourage mission in their contexts.
Sharing Stories of Mission
Providing Resources for Mission
Empowering people towards Mission
Experimenting and Learning more about Mission
Committed to Mission
The Methodist Church in Ireland is committed to mission. In recent years we have sensed a renewed call to missional discipleship, living as followers of Jesus who share the love of God together in everyday life to see change in the world around us. For many churches, and their people, this means experimenting with new ways of connecting with people who are outside of our church walls.
Meet the team
The Home Mission Team works closely with the District Superintendents who lead and facilitate mission in their Districts.
Mark Forsyth
Chair of the Home Mission Advisory Committee
Kathryn Harte
Team Leader
Simon Kilpatrick
Pioneering and Planting Specialist

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