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Connexional Prayer Meeting about Poverty.  

A few years ago (before we knew there would be the present financial crisis!) the Council on Social Responsibility felt guided that one of the main issues we should focus on would be POVERTY.  A working party in partnership with Trussell Trust and Christians Against Poverty have done some good work.  Through Conference, articles in the Methodist Newsletter and in other ways we hope most Methodists are aware of our ‘three-pronged’ approach – namely that we should be a Learning Church, a Praying Church and an Active Church with regard to the issue of poverty.   

We don’t doubt that the topic of poverty is often mentioned in prayer meetings and in the intercessions in our church services, but we thought it would be helpful to have a specific Connexional Prayer Meeting on the subject of poverty – helping us to be a Praying Church.   

We will do this on Zoom on Thursday 2 Feb at 8.00pm. 

Meeting ID: 859 6552 6707 

17 January

Thinking Aloud Seminar

4 February

An Introduction to Prayer Ministry