A Small Group of People Can Change the World

Over the past few months, my husband and I have been watching The West Wing. As I write this, we have just seven episodes left, and I am not ready for it to be over. I have loved it and, quite frankly, don’t know why it’s taken me until now to watch it. If you haven’t watched it, give it a go. Thank me later.  

For anyone not familiar with the series, it is a political drama based mainly in the West Wing of the White House, following fictional United States President Josiah Bartlet and his senior staff. The President is a very likeable character, portrayed as an intelligent, compassionate man of integrity. 

In one episode, President Bartlet says, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world. Do you know why?” to which his colleague replies, “‘Because it’s the only thing that ever has.’” 
(The question and response were adapting a quote from Margaret Mead, an American cultural anthropologist.)  

 I had never heard this quote before and it really struck me when President Bartlet said it.  
A small group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world.  

The world needs a lot of changing but in this statement, I was reminded that we have to start somewhere and if a small group are united in their cause and their motivation, change will come. There is real hope and optimism in this quote, I think.  

 The very reason WDR exists is to change the world and challenge the status quo.  

We live in a world where 1.89 billion people live in extreme poverty (and sadly, Covid-19 means that this figure is expected to increase for the first time in over 20 years). We live in a world where there are more than 40 million people in modern slavery, more than any other time in history. We live in a world where 1 in 3 people don’t have access to safe drinking water. Where approximately 265 million children and young people aren’t getting an education. Where 44% of the world’s wealth is owned by 1% of people.  

Obviously, we can’t fix this in one fell swoop. But we can do something. We can all do something and starting small is no bad thing. 

For WDR, our ‘small group’ is global and includes our partners and beneficiaries, our volunteers and our supporters, all united by a desire to see more people escape poverty.  

Working with local communities, our partners identify the major challenges people are facing, and then work to find lasting solutions. So, this ‘small group’ made up of staff, local experts and communities, are changing their part of the world. They are committed to equality, justice and a better quality of life for everyone. 

Across Ireland we have more ‘small groups’ of people who share this vision for a better world. From families completing sponsored runs, friends hosting tea parties with donations for WDR, to churches praying together for our partners and those who give regular financial support.  

 I said earlier that with the right group of people, change will come. So, is that true for WDR? 

Absolutely it is. Change is happening and, while there is still an infinite amount of work to be done, we can see the life-changing impact our partners and supporters are having.  


In 2020, our partners were a lifeline for many communities as they quickly adapted to the reality of Covid-19. In Zimbabwe, our partner Dabane Water Workshops ensured rural communities had the same access to information on sanitation and health advice as those in urban areas. Our partner in Lebanon, Father Andeweg Institute for the Deaf, made sure the deaf community were well-informed and not overlooked in their national response. East Jerusalem YMCA delivered emergency care packages and set up a phoneline to support those struggling with their mental health.  

By working together and each playing our part, we can keep changing the world for the better.  

World Development & Relief exists to see a more equal world, a fairer world, a just world. We believe this is our calling as Christians and followers of Jesus. If we need proof of how a small group can change the world, we only need to look at the impact of Jesus and his twelve disciples.  

Why not join our ‘small group’ in the fight against global poverty and injustice? There are several ways to do this. Learn about the issues, the countries we’re working in, the political and economic challenges our partners face. Pray for our work, our partners, our supporters, our committee and staff. If you’re able to give financially, use your money to make a difference.  

Get in touch with myself or Tim to find out more. 


Poverty & Mental Health