Responding to the War in Ukraine
Our Irish Methodist family continues to be shocked to see the violent invasion of Ukraine and the heart-breaking plight of its people.
An Emergency Appeal was launched in March 2022. At the time, we were advised by our partners responding on the ground, that financial support was the priority. This continues to be the case.
The initial appeal raised £323,197 (€366,138). You may still contribute.
Funds raised have been sent through three channels:
United Methodist Church in Poland
UMC Poland is providing food, clothing, transport and shelter, as well as assistance for those wishing to stay long-term in Poland.International Justice Mission UK (MCI’s partner through World Development & Relief)
IJM Romania is working to prevent trafficking and exploitation or refugees by running training and awareness campaigns in how to recognise the signs of trafficking.
Click here to read IJM’s ongoing response and long-term planThe United Methodist Church in the Central Conference of Central and Southern Europe
The United Methodist Church is present in both Ukraine and Russia and in the surrounding countries. United Methodist Churches in Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary and Romania are engaging in hospitality work with refugees as well as delivering aid into Ukraine.

Seek peace and pursue it
Psalm 34: 14
Updates from The United Methodist Church in the Central Conference of Central and Southern Europe
Read the latest summary from these churches about how support, including donations from Irish Methodists, is being used.

From the European Methodist Council
A resource highlighted by IMYC
Further Reading
Should we send 'stuff' or money?
Helpful questions to ask as we respond to the need in Ukraine and neighbouring countries:
What is needed?
How will items be transported?
How will items be stored and distributed?
Aid for the people of Ukraine
“When you think of a humanitarian aid worker, someone looking at spreadsheets isn’t what comes to mind”, so says David Gardner. David is a lay church development worker and youth pastor with the Dublin North Methodist circuit of the Methodist Church in Ireland. He has been in Poland for the last month supporting Medair with the complex logistics of transporting supplies across the border and into Ukraine.
Blog: For traffickers, war isn't a tragedy.
For traffickers, war isn’t a tragedy, it’s an opportunity.
As refugees make the brave journey across the Ukrainian border, the danger of exploitation is a real. International Justice Mission’s (IJM) Hannah Elliott explains what we can do to support those in danger. IJM is one of the Methodist Church in Ireland’s World Development partners.
Ten reflections on Christian social engagement in light of the war in Ukraine
The Methodist Church in Ireland’s Council on Social Responsibility offers some reflections on the war in Ukraine and prompts us to think about our own personal response.
Crisis Watch: A Global Conflict Tracker
CrisisWatch is a vital tool for anyone trying to stay abreast of and understand the world’s shifting conflict landscape. Updated at the beginning of every month, it provides succinct summaries of political and security developments in the past calendar month.
Visit the website, browse the map and click on highlighted areas to learn more & inspire your prayers.
Visit the CrisisWatch website.

Please note that our sister churches in Ukraine and neighbouring countries do not have the capacity to manage refugee sponsorship programmes. Therefore MCI recommends using the government schemes detailed above.