Mission & Discipleship
Living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world.
Rev Dr Heather Morris on ‘Living Wholeheartedly’
“I look upon all the world as my parish”
— The Journal of John Wesley
City Missions
The City Missions of the Methodist Church in Ireland are visible expressions of social and community concern by local congregations. There are five City Missions in Belfast, Newtownabbey, Dublin and Londonderry.
While all churches are encouraged to be involved in the life of their local communities, the City Missions have been given the "mission" status because the main thrust of their work is outwards - seeking to provide support to people in the surrounding communities.
Belfast Central Mission
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Newtownabbey Methodist Mission
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Dublin Central Mission
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North West Methodist Mission
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East Belfast Mission
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Pioneer Mission
We as a church explore and support opportunities for outreach and service, by enabling, facilitating and encouraging churches to fulfil their calling in the community. This includes entirely new schemes where no Church buildings already exist, innovative schemes offering opportunity for outreach within existing congregations and schemes that can serve to revitalise and focus an existing congregation.
Read stories of pioneer mission in Ireland:
“Work for justice.
Help the down-and-out.
Stand up for the homeless.
Go to bat for the defenceless.”
Schools & Colleges
The Methodist Church in Ireland owns and/or manages a number of learning establishments for adults and children throughout Ireland.
Schools and Colleges can be the ‘beating heart’ of a community, the very place where the future generations are invested in. This is one of the ways that we as a church can ‘be where the people are’, existing in communities, carrying God’s love into places and spaces that need it most.
Methodist College, Belfast
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Wesley College, Dublin
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Rathgar National School
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Gurteen Agricultural College, Co Tipperary
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Council on Social Responsibility
Our council on Social Responsibility exists to understand and analyse a range of social, political, economic and constitutional issues. It attempts to consider these issues with theological insight and to provide realistic and practical recommendations for action.

Methodist Women in Ireland
Our social action takes on many forms. Our Chaplains are commissioned to give pastoral care and support where it’s needed most. Our residential homes dotted throughout the island of Ireland offer a therapeutic environment for those in care. We have also set up sheltered housing to provide a safe place for some of the most vulnerable in society. Discover more below
Residential Homes
Ardfallen Grove Sheltered Housing
Managed by Cork Methodist Church
Douglas Rd, Cork
021 4291108
Eastwell Residential Home
Founded by Rev John Wesley in 1766
12 Palmerston Pk
Dublin 6
+353 1 497 2292
Kirk House Belfast
Managed by Belfast Central Mission
110 Kings Road, Belfast BT5 7BX
+44 (0)28 9040 2938