Who we are
The Methodist Women in Ireland is open to all women in every Society of the Methodist Church in Ireland.
We share fellowship with each other through local branches, District gatherings and Connexional events.
Following on from the wonderful work started by the Women’s Department and continued by the Methodist Women’s Association and the Young Women’s Association, the Methodist Women in Ireland was launched in 2003.
We are a full member of the World Federation of Methodist & Uniting Church Women (WFM & UCW).
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To enable members through fellowship with each other to deepen their personal commitment to Jesus Christ.
To relate the teaching of Jesus Christ to life in the home, the church, the community and the world.
To share in the mission of the world church.
To provide a link with the women of other churches in Ireland and throughout the world.
The President of MWI, Olive Rowe, has chosen the theme of ‘Faith Over Fear’ for her term in office. She writes a monthly letter associated with this theme, which is published in the Methodist Newsletter and can also be downloaded below.
Some recent copies of the Past President’s Newsletter articles can be downloaded from the Archive section below.
Our partners
MWI has always had a close relationship with the mission departments of the Methodist Churches in Ireland and Britain; our World Mission Secretary serves on the World Mission Partnership (WMP) of MCI.
Our President is a member of the Safeguarding Working Party of MCI.
We also have representatives to Women’s Link, the National Women’s Council of Ireland, Women’s Forum and Women in Faith.
The General Executive is the decision-making body of MWI. The Central Forum enables District Officers and representatives to other organisations to share news and information. The World Federation Committee focuses on news and issues specific to the WFM&UCW. For more information on how we work download the guidelines below.

“To know Christ and to make him known”
Mission and Social Outreach Projects
At Conference 2021 we launched our Methodist Women’s Initiative: No Excuse for Abuse. This initiative formed the basis of the ‘President’s Project’ for the year July 2021 to June 2022. This project was about raising awareness, and action as well as fundraising.
As part of this initiative we worked closely with the Methodist Church in Ireland’s Working Party in preparing ‘MCI’s Response to Domestic Abuse’ along with resources to help local congregations and MWI branches.
Prayer cards and information leaflets were distributed to all our branches, and members of the MWI General Executive participated in ‘Safe Place’ training.
Approximately £5,700 was raised by all our branches and donated to Women’s Aid groups across the three Districts of MCI.
Since our formation we have supported many social outreach projects both at home and overseas. The most recent overseas project was in the Methodist Church of Upper Myanmar. In 2017 we visited the Methodist Women’s Association in Upper Myanmar and between 2018 and 2020 we sent nearly £18,000 to support a number of their projects.
We support Mission Partners and Associates, along with World Development & Relief projects, through prayer and personal contact, as well as in our financial giving. We donated over £30,000 to World Mission Partnership (WMP) in 2024. This money was split over 3 different causes:
£11,000 (€13,200) to support Irish Methodists serving in Mission (Melissa Newell, Gillian Sloan & Gemma Barclay)
£10,000 (€12,000) for Bible distribution to prisoners and security forces in Honduras, in partnership with Bible Society NI
£9,700 (€11,700) to support the Methodist Church in Haiti during a time of crisis
“Prayer is the powerhouse that generates results.”
(Alison Judd, PRESIDENT EMERITA, World Federation of Methodist & Uniting Church Women)
We produce an annual Prayer Diary suggesting people within MWI and MCI for whom we might pray on each day of the week.
MWI Prayer
Almighty God, Lord of power and love,
Saviour who died for our sins and rose again,
Living Holy Spirit.
Thank you for the gift of life,
Thank you for the offer of salvation,
Thank you for surrounding us with love
And promising your power.
Help us as Methodist Women in Ireland
To honour you in our lives,
To rejoice in our salvation,
To share your love with others
And to go forward in your power
To fulfil your will daily.
Help us to encourage one another,
To pray for one another,
And together to reach out to others
Both here in Ireland and throughout the world.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Meet the TEAM
General Executive

Alexa Brown - MWI All Ireland President 2024-2026

Olive Rowe – Past President
Audrey Burrows - North Eastern District Vice President

Alison Humphreys - North Western District Vice President

Wanda Hogan - Southern District Vice President

Maureen Young - All Ireland Finance Liaison Officer

Amanda Stewart - North Eastern District Secretary

Cathie McIlroy - North Western District Secretary

Barbara Fennell – Southern District Secretary

Moira McMurray - WFMUCW Unit Correspondent
Elizabeth McWatters - World Mission Secretary & Rep to Women's Link

Heidi Hogan - Helen Kim Memorial Scholar & WF Rep, Southern District

Carmel Irwin - Media Secretary
District Officers

Rosemary Rainey - Treasurer, North Eastern District

Barbara Bryan – Joint Treasurer, Southern District

Heather Gandola – Joint Treasurer, Southern District
Other Officers

Sue Maxwell – Representative to National Women’s Council of Ireland

Liz Carville – Representative to Women in Faith

Joan Strong - Representative to Women's Forum

Louise Wilson - WF World Secretary
Contact us
If you’d like to get in touch, please contact us via email using the button below. We have also listed some useful links and resources for your reference.