Refugee Week 2024

This past week has been the annual Refugee Week. Church of Sanctuary has asked churches to mark this Sunday as Sanctuary Sunday.

The General Secretary of the Methodist Church in Ireland is encouraging congregations to use the prayer below this Sunday. Rev Dr Heather Morris said, “We are grateful to the Council on Social Responsibility for drawing Refugee Week to our attention.”


It is as important as ever to highlight the needs of refugees. In this past week we’ve been made aware of the horrific and inhumane way in which refugees continue to be treated. There are well over one hundred million refugees in the world today. Each year thousands of refugees die because of ignorance, neglect and even outright murder.

We are invited to re-dedicate ourselves to embodying God’s compassion and to play our part in alleviating the suffering of our neighbours.

This year, more than ever, we need our politicians to hear our concern that all refugees, across the island of Ireland and Europe in particular, would be treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve.

We would encourage churches to use this prayer on Sanctuary Sunday, Sunday 23rd June 2024.

God - our shelter and strength and yet also who became, in the flesh, one seeking refuge.

We join with the cries of the hundreds of millions seeking refuge in our world today, as they flee poverty, famine, conflict and persecution and seek safety elsewhere.

Forgive us for our selfishness that has caused the destruction of livelihoods around our planet, our unwillingness to live at peace and our apathy in the face of the cries of those in need.

We thank you for all those who give their lives to support the needs of refugees. Give them renewed compassion, courage and resilience.

We ask that the newly elected members of the European Parliament will stand against everything that dehumanises refugees and that they would enact justice that values the precious humanity of all. We pray also for members of the Dáil, those who will be elected to Westminster, and our local politicians, that they would uphold the needs of all who have little voice.

Compassionate Lord, may our own words, actions, reactions and decisions reflect the beauty of Jesus. Thank you for the loving and courageous actions of our churches, members and partners who embrace, support and involve those seeking refuge. Help us to wholeheartedly show your love to all. May our voices sound with messages of hope and understanding. And give us boldness in showing what your Kingdom looks like for the transformation of the world.




A year of transformation…


MCI apologies for failures in pastoral care