MCI appalled by the call for ‘anti-immigrant’ protests

The Methodist Church in Ireland is appalled by the call for ‘anti-immigrant’ protests planned across Northern Ireland on Saturday 3rd August.

We condemn plans by far-right groups within our society to bring people onto the streets, stirring up fear and hatred, and making our communities unwelcoming to many who live there. We stand against all narratives that divide people based on race and nationality or that undermine social cohesion and law and order. 

The shocking knife attack in Southport last Monday where three children were killed and many others injured, saddened, and horrified us all. However, to use this attack as a pretext for anti-immigration protests is abhorrent.

The Methodist Church in Ireland reiterates that each one who has made Ireland their home belongs here.

Issued by the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, the Rev Dr John Alderdice.


MCI President responds to events surrounding anti-immigration protests


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