The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Serving in Ibiza

MCI Mission Associate Gemma Barclay is serving with 24-7 Ibiza.

24-7 Ibiza exists to care for the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the community. They are rooted in the values of prayer, mission and justice as they seek to make Jesus known in Ibiza.

Gemma moved to Ibiza in March 2023 and shares updates through a regular newsletter. Here is a snippet from Gemma’s April Newsletter:

Well…it’s officially been one month that I have called Ibiza home - part of me feels like I moved yesterday and the other part of me feels like I’ve lived here for years! 
It has been quite the overwhelming rollercoaster, plenty of ups and downs; which is expected with such a huge life shift. Thankfully though, the one thing that has not been a rollercoaster is my confidence in God calling me here. 
Plenty has been happening this month with getting to know people and the work and planning and preparing for the summer season to begin (next week!) I have also been loving driving - anyone that knows me well knows that I love to drive and do not feel myself if I am not driving so getting behind the wheel the past couple of weeks has certainly helped me feel settled.

Thankful that this place is starting to feel like home! 

If you would like to hear about life and ministry in Ibiza, as well as points for prayer, you can subscribe here.