The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Praying for Sierra Leone

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This month’s Prayer of Solidarity is for Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone is a small country on the West coast of Africa.  Most Sierra Leoneans are Muslims, but a significant minority are Christians – including around 50,000 Methodists. The Methodist Church is one of the oldest and most influential denominations in Sierra Leone.

 In recent years, natural disasters, disease and economic turmoil have brought Sierra Leone to its knees. The church has suffered too: some Methodist ministers are struggling to survive on stipends of less than £35 or €40 per month, and others have gone almost a whole year without any pay at all.

Despite these challenges, Methodists in Sierra Leone continue to demonstrate their faith and commitment to sharing the Gospel message. Lay preachers and catechists play a vital role in the church’s ministry, and instead of being overwhelmed by the difficulties which they face today, the church is focusing on how God will use them tomorrow.  

Irish Methodists have close links with Methodist Church in Sierra Leone, and through World Mission Partnership, have been able to send support in the form of prayers, mission partners, and finances.

Today, we pray for our brothers and sisters in Sierra Leone.


We thank you for the work of the Methodist Church in Sierra Leone.

We acknowledge the challenges they face and humbly ask for your blessings upon them.

Grant them faith, strength, and courage as they navigate the many challenges which they face.

We ask you to provide the Methodist Church in Sierra Leone with the resources to carry out your work.

Equip them with all they need to fulfil your mission and make a lasting difference in the lives of others. Help us in Ireland to support that mission, by sharing the resources we have.

Lord, please give strength to the ordained ministers who are working under real financial pressure.

Empower the lay preachers who play an increasingly important role in the church's activities and bless all the lay workers involved in the church's wider ministry, including those involved in education, healthcare, and social welfare.

Strengthen the bond between Methodists in Ireland and Sierra Leone, and guide us to support one another in our shared calling to proclaim your radical message of salvation.
