The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Prayers for Christians in Uganda

Throughout the year, World Mission Partnership is in touch with Church in Chains, an Irish organisation that encourages prayer and action in support of persecuted Christians worldwide. Church in Chains share prayer points to equip Irish Methodists to pray for specific places and people.

Uganda is a largely Christian nation with 84% of its population being Christian. However, in recent years reports of anti-Christian violence in Muslim-majority areas have greatly increased. Radical Islamists attack Christian evangelists while converts from Islam to Christianity are often attacked by family members. Please pray:

  • We pray for wisdom, discernment and guidance for Ugandan Christians, especially those who reach out to or minister to Muslims or converts from Islam.   

  • Pastor Frank Mutabaazi lost nearly all his vision after Muslim extremists ambushed him in Kampala and sprayed him with acid in December 2022. We pray for healing and relief from pain for Frank and hope and strength for him and his family. 

  • In March Pastor Adinani Bulwa was killed by Muslim relatives in northern Uganda. We pray for comfort and provision for his widow, Zabiina Newumbwe, and their five children aged between 4 and 16.