The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Fuel tanker explosion in Haiti

Three days of national mourning have been declared in Haiti following a fuel tanker explosion in the city of Cap-Haïtien, where more than 60 people have lost their lives.
WMP received the following message from Bishop Dorcely, President of the Methodist Church in Haiti,

Dear all, 
Greetings in the triune God!

 Very early this morning a fuel tanker transportation Gasoline has exploded in the northern department, Cap Haitian, in a square call Samarie. More than 60 people died and a lot injured. Many houses are destroyed and will be completely demolished, so family members are crying out for help and support. 

 So we ask your prayers for the families in particular in this moment of crisis and tragedies.

 Yours in Christ, 

Bishop, Révérend Jean Lesly DORCELY
Président de la Conférence 
Surintendant Général

Please pray for Haiti. This explosion comes amidst ongoing political and economic struggles in the country.
You can read more here.