The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Reflecting on Ibiza’s Summer Season

MCI Mission Associate Gemma Barclay has been serving with 24-7 Ibiza since March 2023 and shares updates and points for prayer through a regular newsletter. Here is a snippet from Gemma’s July Newsletter:

It has been a hectic, exhausting, wonderful and fulfilling 5 months of the summer season which makes this newsletter difficult to write - it is not possible to include everything I would like to share in one email, but here are some thoughts and stories to begin with. 
Witnessing God move has been so special, and will continue to be so special. From the big to the small, God has been working in profound ways. Personally, there have been nights and days where I have felt tired, weak, inadequate or distant and how God has drawn so close to me and worked in and through me has been amazing and I am very thankful for that. He really is enough!

If you would like to hear about life and ministry in Ibiza, as well as points for prayer, you can subscribe here.