The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Changing times in Ibiza

Gemma Barclay is a Mission Associate serving with 24-7 Ibiza since. In her latest newsletter, Gemma reflects on some big changes and the different pace of the winter season:

A lot has changed (saying farewell to Stephen and Max to mention one big change - please see below for the cutest farewell photo with Max) and a lot is coming and I can honestly say that I feel more settled here now than ever before and more confident in God’s calling on my life. It brings me a lot of joy to be able to say that!

The winter season brings a much different and slower pace, which is a nice change from the summer season. The slower pace has allowed me to spend time with people that feels significant and life giving. Some of my time has been spent hiking and exploring the island in a way I never have before and enjoying some of the most stunning sunsets I have ever seen. Some of my time has been spent reading and connecting with God and listening to his vision for this island. A lot of time has been spent praying and spending time with our community here and a lot more of my time has been spent planning and preparing for the summer season and the use of the centre space that we have here.

You can read the rest of Gemma’s newsletter, including some points for prayer, here.