The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Bibles for Ukraine

Through World Mission Partnership, Irish Methodists have sent a gift £5,000 to Biblica (a global Bible ministry) to support their work in printing a contemporary Ukrainian translation of the New Testament and Psalms.

Up to 500,000 copies of these Bibles will be shared with Ukrainian refugees in Romania and Poland, and with Ukrainians who have not left their country. The original plan had been to print 10,000 copies but it very quickly became apparent that this would not be enough. Until now, many Ukrainians read the Bible in Russian or a very old Ukrainian translation. When the war began, Biblica released the contemporary Ukrainian translation as an app for people to download and already 350,000 people have downloaded it.

As the Methodist Church in Ireland continues to respond to the humanitarian need in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, this is a wonderful opportunity to care for the spiritual needs of refugees too.