Statement on the Irish General Election
As we enter these last few days before the Irish General Election on Friday 29th November, we as the Methodist Church encourage people to exercise their democratic right and responsibility to vote.
We urge all to reflect carefully and prayerfully on the important issues at the heart of this election.
We believe the gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to have particular concern for people who are the most marginalised and vulnerable. Therefore, issues such as housing, health care, cost of living, and how we welcome newcomers to Ireland from other countries, are vitally important.
We also recognise the debate going on in many European countries regarding assisted dying. We have previously voiced our opposition to such legislation being introduced in Ireland. We reiterate our call for the Irish government to increase the funding for palliative and end of life care.
We live in a world blighted by war and therefore we call on those elected to govern in Ireland to do all they can on the international stage to work for peace especially in Europe and the Middle East.
Finally, we encourage the Methodist people to pray –
• For all candidates in the final days of electioneering.
• For those responsible for the election and counting processes, that it may go smoothly and without controversy.
• For all who will be elected as TDs to Dáil Éireann, that they may have the strength to serve all their constituents with diligence and integrity.
• For whichever parties will form the Government and whoever will become the Taoiseach.
Earlier this month a document was compiled by the Council on Social Responsibility, Southern Executive, of the Methodist Church in Ireland, with input from our World Development & Relief and Youth & Children’s Work Teams.