The Methodist Church in Ireland

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President visits Lord Mayor of Belfast

On Monday 21st February, the President paid a courtesy visit to The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Councillor Kate Nicholl.

The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Councillor Kate Nicholl & President Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu.

Born in Zimbabwe, the Lord Mayor her parents and younger brother moved to Northern Ireland in 2000, and she was then educated at Methodist College. She spoke of the work of the late Rev David Neilands, College Chaplain.

The President praised the Lord Mayor’s active interest in the health and wellbeing of children. Ms. Nicoll will be the first Lord Mayor of Belfast who will give birth to her second child while still Lord Mayor.

Before leaving, the President offered a prayer for the Lord Mayor and all who worked with her, and for the City of Belfast.

Shortly after the visit, the Lord Mayor tweeted:

“I really enjoyed spending time with the President of the Methodist Church Rev Dr Sahr John Yambasu this afternoon - we talked about a range of issues and the importance of connectedness, inclusiveness and gratitude. #OurBelfast”

