The Methodist Church in Ireland

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President visits Lagan College Belfast

The President, accompanied by Dr.Anita Gracie, General Secretary and Convenor of the Northern Executive of the Board of Education visited Lagan College on Tuesday 1st March.

Left to Right - Dr Anita Gracie, Mrs Amanda McNamee (Principal), Ms Carol Baker (Vice Principal - Pastoral Care), the President Rev Dr Sahr Yambasu.

The College on the outskirts of South Belfast has just celebrated its 40th anniversary, although the college visited by the President is a far cry from the 28 pupils and the Scout hut it began in.

The President was welcomed by the Principal, Mrs Amanda McKee, a former teacher at Methodist College, and some of her staff along with the Head Boy, Jude, Head Girl, Rose and Rosa, the Deputy Head Girl.

After a short tour of the main building, the President was taken to meet members of the RICE Group. The initials of the group stand for ‘Root in Christ Everyday’.

This is a group similar to a Scripture Union where they discuss their faith and demonstrate it in practical ways in the surrounding community.

This meeting took place in what is the hub of the college, a room in which pupils and staff may come to pray and reflect, while for other students it’s a place to ‘chill out’ for a short time.

The College has two chaplains, Helen and Gerard. In the early days of Lagan College, one of our own ministers the Rev David Cooper served as a honorary chaplain.

With this group the President shared some of his own story as a child in Sierra Leone and of how God had led him into Ministry, after which there was time for questions. Like many Methodist meetings this one ended with "tea and buns". At the close, the President prayed for the college and its pupils and staff.

Before leaving, the President received two gifts - a book celebrating the College's 40th anniversary and a picture.

Commenting on his visit, the President said:

“Having a great love for education I was delighted with my visit to Lagan College and to learn of how the pupils from many communities in Belfast and beyond are learning together in one school community. I pray that their friendships formed at the college will continue after they leave, and that they will become the leven in a new society here in Northern Ireland."

