The Methodist Church in Ireland

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A statement from the President on the outcome of the recent Election in Northern Ireland

Rev Dr Sahr Yambasu, President

The Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu, President of the Methodist Church in Ireland reflecting on the outcome of the recent Election to the Stormont Assembly has issued the following Statement:

“I congratulate all those who have been elected to serve as MLA’s in the Stormont Assembly and wish them well as they embark on their new mandate. I would also like to commiserated with those who were unsuccessful in the election..

At a time when the people of Northern Ireland are impacted by the fallout of Brexit, Covid and a massive cost of living crisis, I urge all parties to abide by the results of the election and enter into government in whatever position the d’Hondt system offers them and work together for the good of the everyday lives of the electorate, not in pursuit of tribal loyalties or constitutional grandstanding.”



Issued by:
Rev. Roy Cooper

Press Officer
T: 07710 945104