The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Statement reiterating fundamental disgust at racism in light of recent events .

The Methodist Church in Ireland reiterates our fundamental disgust at racism in the light of recent events.

At the core of our humanity is our identity as children of God, regardless of ethnic, national or cultural background. Any verbal, written, online or physical undermining of this is abhorrent to us and life-denying to those subjected to it.

As Christians, we follow Jesus who was an actual refugee. Indeed, other key heroes of our Christian faith were uprooted from their homeland. Our Christian discipleship, based on the life, ministry and teaching of Jesus, calls us to see all as bearing the image of God, combat discrimination based on one's ethnic background and embrace those needing refuge.

Welcoming and serving others with compassion and practicality is a natural part of our function as church. We live out this mission as part of our calling knowing that the presence of God enables us to combat fear and that the grace of God is ahead of us in all our relationships.