The Methodist Church in Ireland

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MCI President calls for prayer for Myanmar

Dear President Kok Thang,

Once again we have, through the media become aware of the rising tension in your country.

In the light of this, I on behalf of the members of the Methodist Church in Ireland, want to assure you of our prayers for the Church and the people of Myanmar at this time of crisis.

"May the Christ child, who came at Christmas as the Prince of peace visit Myanmar with His peace at this troubled time"

Your brother in Christ,

Rev. Dr. Sahr Yambasu
President of the Methodist Church in Ireland



World Mission Partnership

The Methodist Church in Ireland has many international partnerships through both World Mission Partnership and also World Development & Relief. 

This month the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, asks Irish Methodists to pray for Myanmar, amidst ongoing civil unrest. Through World Mission Partnership, the Methodist Church in Ireland has a strong relationship with the Methodist Church Upper Myanmar.

WMP recently received this message from Rev Kok Thang, President of MCUM, 

“Thanks for your concern for us and your prayers. The war between Local Civil Defence forces (CDF)/People Defence Forces (PDF) and the military is intensified. The war victims are increasing. Nearly one-third of houses in Thantlang town in Chin State are burned down. Our church members and their pastors are fleeing to Mizoram State in India. All the church buildings in Kanpetlet town are fired with guns by military. We are not able to help the increasing war victims within our churches.” 

Let us pray. 

Psalm 36 says, “God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.”

Faithful God,
We pray these words over Myanmar in these troubling times; 
may they know your refuge, strength, and presence.   
God of miracles, 
We ask that you move in a powerful way to transform the country of Myanmar and rescue them from their current reality.
Where there is violence, we pray for peace.
Where there is unrest, we pray for calm.
Where there is division, we pray for unity.
Where there is fear, we pray for protection and safety. 
We pray for those who are suffering in Myanmar and for those who feel hopeless.
For those who have lost homes, businesses, family and friends.
May they know that they are loved and seen by you. 
We think of our Methodist family in MCUM.
Guide Rev Kok Thang as he leads the church. Give him wisdom and courage to lead in these days.
May all in MCUM know Immanuel, God with them. 
May your church continue to be a light in the darkness. 

You can read more about the current situation in Myanmar here.