Lay Worker Series - John McConnell
In the fourth of our Lay Workers Series, meet John McConnell Lay Evangelist in the Lisbellaw Circuit, as he tells us a little bit about his background, his family, his work and God’s guidance and goodness.
My Name is John McConnell. I am the Lay Evangelist in Lisbellaw, Maguiresbridge and Tempo Methodist Churches. My job involves doing many of the same things that ordained ministers do. I conduct baptisms and funerals, I preach, teach, lead, and pastorally care for our congregations. My supervisor and superintendent is Rev Richard Rowe, stationed in Brookeborough. My wife Dory is also a Lay Pastor for the Methodist Church in Ireland.
The Evangelism is on top of this; through doing school assemblies, running Alpha courses, missions, and other forms of outreach. Working with our congregations, praying, fundraising, collaborating with ministers and Christian organisations and seeking opportunities for outreach. I echo the words of St. Paul, and invite you to: ‘pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ…’ Colossians 4:3.
Our circuit is blessed with great organists, and I adore singing. We sing a mixture of new worship songs and traditional hymns. Our choirs are joyful, singing from the heart, at Harvest, Christmas, and Easter. I believe singing is a vital part of worship. It is one of the things that drew me to join the Methodist Church many years ago. When I do pastoral visits with older people, who can no longer get to church, I often sing hymns for them. My favourite Hymn is ‘When I survey the Wondrous Cross.’
I love travel, adventure, and outdoor sports: walking, mountaineering, snowboarding, cycling, sailing, golfing, canoeing, and open water swimming.
I like a challenge; my family including my mum, dad, wife, sons Daniel & Jonah, and I have trekked the high alpine ‘Tour du Mont Blanc.’ I have traversed the perilous ‘Cuillin Ridge’ on the Isle of Skye. Dory and I have hiked the arduous GR20 in Corsica. My greatest sporting achievement was winning gold at the 2018 Ulster Championship 5K open water swimming race (no wetsuits)!
Other interests include playing scrabble, chess, completing crosswords and reading.
For most of my life, I have worked in retail. Firstly, for my Dad in McConnell Shoes. Then Dory and I created Intersport Superstore in Cookstown. It was hard work, but we earned a good living, and met many interesting people. In spring 2017, Rev Zeelie in Cookstown Methodist Church ran a course called ‘Discovering your God given gifts.’ This course helped us see our talents and how we could use them to serve God and the Church.
Our Minister encouraged Dory and I to apply for the Local Preachers Course. As we prayed about this, the Holy Spirit brought two scriptures to mind.
‘…having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.’ Ephesians 6:15. This spoke to me about preparation to do the training.
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”’ Isaiah 52:7.
This spoke to me about calling and the doing the work of an evangelist.
Isn’t it interesting that I had worked selling shoes and trainers all my life, fitting people’s feet with the right shoes. Then God spoke to me about preparing my feet for a different purpose. As a Christian I have always felt a sense of calling, now I had an opportunity to pursue it.
We began the local preacher training in Autumn 2017 and enjoyed the companionship of the students and teachers. The learning was challenging and rewarding. Meanwhile on the high street, retailing changed rapidly, the internet and multi-nationals were taking over. A question mark hung over the future of our business. We prayed and began looking at different careers. In September 2020 I interviewed for the role of Lay Evangelist on the Lisbellaw Circuit, I was successful, and began in October.
I had to hit the ground running, leading two services every Sunday. I had five funerals before the year end. I love people, it is a privilege getting to know the congregations, being with them through the highs and lows of life. I have learned so much and have now preached through an entire lectionary cycle. God’s Holy Word is timeless, it inspires and challenges us, it is a lamp for our feet and a light to our path. God has been so good to me and my family. It is an honour and a blessing to serve Him. My favourite Scripture is:
‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ John 3:16.