The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Lay Worker Series - Nicky Hazley

In the fifth of our Lay Workers Series, meet Nicky Hazely Lay Pastor in Comber Methodist, as she tells us about her journey and feeling God’s call, what’s going on in Comber and the sense of God’s blessing in it all.  

My journey to my current role was not only one I never planned, but one I never imagined.  It started about 17 years ago, while I was recovering from a serious illness and was unable to work. I had an 11 yr old, a 1 yr old and a wonderfully supportive husband. 
As my health started to improve, I began to take on a greater role in my home church, teaching Bible Class, organising Holiday Bible Clubs etc. It was suggested that I should do the local Preacher's Course and I will be forever grateful to Rev Billy Buchanan who tutored me through it, showing such patience and kindness. 

Fast forward a few years, my health was improving, and the boys were getting older.  

One night, in a dream, I heard God clearly ask me to "sell the house and move to where He would have me minister."  My hubbie, David, was very supportive and prayerfully we put the house on the market and looked for a house close to Movilla Abbey - our home church.  Soon I started to doubt if I had really heard from God as no-one came to view the house. 

Our minister at that time, Rev Paul Gallucci, went on Sabbatical and along with Rev Ken Wilson I helped to cover the pulpit, teach Bible study etc. It was only a few weeks after Paul came back, that he and our Superintendent asked me if I would consider going to Comber Methodist, 8 hrs per week as a Lay Pastor.  The only verse I was given was Prov 16:33 "we may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall:” 

 In faith, I agreed and knowing that Church Council, Circuit Executive and others all had to agree to the post, I was content that God could shut the door at any point if it wasn't what He wanted. 

As soon as I agreed to the post, someone came, viewed and bought our house and we moved to Comber.  Fast forward 10 years, and I'm still in Comber Methodist, employed 26 hrs per week, and seeing fruit grow - which is just amazing. 

The church is open throughout the week for Bible study & Prayer, Warm space, Cuppa & Craft, Childrens Ministry as well as on Sunday for worship. 

A life group from Movilla Abbey began helping Comber Methodist about 8 years ago by running Messy Church. We'd no children on a Sunday morning and no children’s ministry during the week. It's thrilling now to see families from both Regent St & Comber Methodist joining together monthly at Messy Church, led by helpers from Movilla, Regent St & Comber.  

We also run BLAST (Bible leaning & Sharing together) where we see about 8- 10 children discipled every week, we've had approx. 40 children for the past 2 yrs at a Summer Holiday Bible Club and we can have 6 or more children on a Sunday morning.  This Easter we are running our first Easter Bible Club, facilitated by Play It By Ear. 

As well as working alongside the churches in our circuit, it’s a privilege to work with the other churches in Comber as we journey through Holy week together, and join for other special services throughout the year. 
God is blessing us, and none of what we do would be possible without His love & mercy. 

Lay Ministry is challenging but it’s also greatly rewarding. 

The people of Comber Methodist, would really appreciate your prayers as we continue to grow in faith, and in numbers. Pray that we would clearly hear God's guidance and direction and that we would walk obediently in it.