Get Involved

Real change happens when we all play our part.
Find the best way that you can be involved.


Join others across Ireland to fundraise for WDR! Set your own challenge (walk, run, cycle…) & raise vital funds for your partners.

  • Visit our JustGiving page and click the orange ‘Start Fundraising’ button to create your own page for sponsorship!

    When you fundraise this way, JustGiving will send fund to WDR, you don’t need organise transferring funds!

use your voice

Campaigning can change the structures and policies that keep people in poverty.

  • Decades of rampant extraction and burning of fossil fuels by the world’s wealthiest countries, as well as failure to take the action necessary to reduce emissions, have driven increasingly frequent and catastrophic climate impacts.

    Our sister agency, Christian Aid Ireland, are calling on us all to use our voice to demand climate justice, now.

    Visit their website to find out more.

tell your church

Encourage your church to pray, give and learn about their WDR partners.

leave a legacy

Every gift left to World Development & Relief, no matter how big or small, can have an impact.


Learn more about our partners and their work, as well as the many challenges they are facing.



Holy God, 

 We thank for revealing yourself to us, 
For coming to us through the gift of nature, 
Reminding us of your endless, bewildering creative genius, 

 We thank you for making yourself known through the Bible, 
For the wondrous stories, told across thousands of years, 
So penetrating and beautiful, 
Stories that call us back time and again,  
to show us new things, to deepen our understanding, 

 We thank You for words of comfort and consolation, 
Words that carry us through life’s darkest moments, 
And deepest despair, 
As we thank you for Your words of challenge,  
Calling us always beyond ourselves, 
Into the joys and struggles of others, 

 We thank you for prophets, priests, and kings, 
For Jesus 
Who showed us that a life well-lived  
Moves us beyond ourselves,  
Beyond self-indulgence and self-absorption, 
A Life calling us to attend to the needs of those around us,
And around the world,
Reminding us that there is no small deed 
Or insignificant action when it comes to loving others, 

 We thank You for our Faith’s wild claim: 
It is in giving that we receive,  
It is in the willingness to die to sin and greed 
That we are born to eternal life. 

 We thank you for our initiatives and our programmes, 
As we thank you for all initiatives 
That hold us to our timeless and Divine covenant, 
To care for the least, the last and the lost, 

 Remind us that each effort,  
Done in love, to the glory of your Kingdom, 
Bringing hope and healing to your world, 
Regardless of whether it is big or small, 
Is sacred, never wasted, 
But a contribution to building 
Your kingdom, on earth, 
As it is in heaven. 


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